San Jose State Unknown Tournament in B & W

San Jose State Unknown Tournament in B & W

Continuing on with the same topic as our last post, we return again to the Women’s Gymnasium at San Jose State University.  There have been a number of comments from the previous set with some corrections that I’ll tweak when I get a second – thanks for the notes,...
San Jose State University: Unknown Tournament

San Jose State University: Unknown Tournament

I’ve got two sets of pictures from the same event, courtesy of the Charles and Julie Selberg collection of fencing memorabilia.  One set is black & white film, the other color slides.  Today, in photo essay form, I present the best of the color slides.  I can...
Boffing: The sport of slugs

Boffing: The sport of slugs

The Airolimax californicus, more commonly known as the Banana Slug, is the official mascot of the sporting students of the University of California, Santa Cruz.  You may hear the name shouted to cheer on UCSC students, as in “Go Slugs!” If you can say anything about...
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