Voices From The Past

Voices From The Past

A number of people over the years have done impersonations of the inimitable Hans Halberstadt and they range wide in both style and substance.  Charlie Selberg knew Hans well and would often quote him during fencing lectures or footwork drills.  His version of Hans...
August and Everything After

August and Everything After

Yes, I know it’s a title stolen from the Counting Crows first album, but I was just perusing backwards through my website and realized I haven’t posted since August.  More than a few things have happened since then and not many of them have to do with...
College Annuals vs Space

College Annuals vs Space

At some point I will outgrown my available storage. It’s not in any way imminent, but down the road it will be something to deal with.  Storage space wasn’t a consideration when I began to purchase relatively low cost university annuals on Ebay.  Now that...
The Spartan Women, Part One

The Spartan Women, Part One

The last article I wrote, which featured Michael D’Asaro’s time in San Antonio and the Army, got me thinking about one of the reasons I decided to attend San Jose State to train with him.  That reason was the awesome strength of his Women’s foil...
Mori and Kendo

Mori and Kendo

I confess, I don’t know a whole lot about Kendo.  Outside of the countless samurai films I’ve seen (which I don’t pretend are representative of Kendo), I’ve only been around the sport a couple of times.  On my very first fencing team, the best guy had picked up a foil...
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