Time Traveling with Hans Halberstadt

Time Traveling with Hans Halberstadt

A recent gift to the Archive has me dumbfounded.  It’s existence was something I had speculated about in a vague way, but never dreamed of finding proof for.  Much less, having the proof come directly to me as a donation to the Archive.  Yet here we are. Tucked...
The Salle in the Woods

The Salle in the Woods

In the woods of Southern Oregon off a dirt road and across a valley from the winding I-5 was a fencing salle d’armes built by Charlie Selberg in an old barn.  It was stuffed to the rafters with fencing memorabilia dating back decades.  I fenced there a couple of...
LA’s Greatest Hits, 1936

LA’s Greatest Hits, 1936

When I have the opportunity to visit someone who has fencing memorabilia that I can scan for my collection, I often don’t get a chance to thoroughly take in the significance of everything I’m working with.  I work fast, replacing one item from the flatbed...
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