Historical Holiday

Historical Holiday

Driving around Southern California may not seem like much of a Holiday, especially when traveling alone, but a recent weekend outmatched all my expectations.  The plan was to make four different stops in hopes of collecting fencing history.  All four planned stops...
LA’s Greatest Hits, 1936

LA’s Greatest Hits, 1936

When I have the opportunity to visit someone who has fencing memorabilia that I can scan for my collection, I often don’t get a chance to thoroughly take in the significance of everything I’m working with.  I work fast, replacing one item from the flatbed...
Mystery To Me

Mystery To Me

No, not the classic Bob Welch era Fleetwood Mac album, although that does contain one of my favorite songs of all time, “Hypnotized”.  The mystery to me today is fencing master John McKee from Southern California who trained hundreds and hundreds of fencers over...
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