American Fencing Magazine, Issue No. 1

American Fencing Magazine, Issue No. 1

After a week’s hiatus, I return to the WCFA with another new story about old stuff!  (And between us, the combination of the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival matched with moving house is not a recommendation I can endorse for others who wish to keep both their...
Fencing Times, Issue #1

Fencing Times, Issue #1

Ok, youngsters!  Gather ‘round while the old folks talk about life before the Interweb.  Yes, such a time did exist, strange as that may seem.  Before Google, we had encyclopedias, newspapers and magazines.  Library cards.  Used book stores. What we did not have was...
Find HH

Find HH

While looking through all the photographs the Archive has amassed of Hans Halberstadt, two things become clear.  First, he got around.  He clearly traveled a great deal.  There are pictures of him all over his European playground.  Second, he really enjoyed people. ...
Boffing: The sport of slugs

Boffing: The sport of slugs

The Airolimax californicus, more commonly known as the Banana Slug, is the official mascot of the sporting students of the University of California, Santa Cruz.  You may hear the name shouted to cheer on UCSC students, as in “Go Slugs!” If you can say anything about...
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