Order from the Chaos

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San Jose State Unknown Tournament in B & W

San Jose State Unknown Tournament in B & W

Here below, I’ve culled the best of the black & white negatives that were shot by Charles Selberg. And, fortune of fortunes, the negative pack was taped into a scrapbook that had many of these prints mounted inside.

San Jose State University: Unknown Tournament

San Jose State University: Unknown Tournament

I’ve got two sets of pictures from the same event, courtesy of the Charles and Julie Selberg collection of fencing memorabilia.  One set is black & white film, the other color slides.  Today, in photo essay form, I present the best of the color slides.  I can...

The Sometime Unfortunate

The Sometime Unfortunate

Back in January I posted a story about the match between Generoso Pavese and Louis Tronchet in San Francisco that took place in 1899. (http://westcoastfencingarchive.com/2015/01/08/tronchet-vs-pavese/) This time I’d like to focus on the San Francisco career of Louis...

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