Order from the Chaos

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Ralph Faulkner Gold!

Ralph Faulkner Gold!

There is a great deal to be told of Ralph B. Faulkner, Olympian, Fencing Master, and Fight Choreographer to the Stars.  I’ve been collecting stories and photographs of him for some time and will undoubtedly have a great deal more to say about him as time goes on.  For...

Aldo Nadi Record, Part Four

Aldo Nadi Record, Part Four

This post will finally wrap up Aldo Nadi’s recollections regarding his efforts as a Professional Fencing Champion.  The letter, taken as a whole, is an astounding document.  Both because Nadi is so clear in his remembrances (and again, I’m giving him the benefit of...

Aldo Nadi’s Record, Part Two

Aldo Nadi’s Record, Part Two

It’s entertaining, reading through Nadi’s ruminations on his life and career as a competitive fencer.  That he possessed a finely honed ego – to which he admits in one section – is obvious.  In addition, he clearly has an excellent memory to remember so vividly events...

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