Peter Burchard
Peter Burchard began fencing under Charlie Selberg at UCSC, achieving numerous titles and accolades as a foil fencer. He was a National team member and won the US National Foil Team title with his teammates Joe Shamash and Ion Drimba under the NOBA (North Oakland Bad-Asses) banner.
Peter was also coached by Michael D’Asaro and Drimba, the Olympic Gold Medalist in foil from 1968/Mexico City.
After a long competitive career, Peter trained in Germany at the Tauberbischoffheim Fencing Masters program, which was well known for creating champion fencers and many coaches of note.
READ MORE...A fledgling program he developed in the early 1980s in San Jose became the impetus behind the creation of The Fencing Center. He became head coach at Halberstadt Fencers Club, coaching there for many years. He has also opened his own club in Santa Rosa, teaches college foreign language courses, and is the President of the United States Fencing Coaches Association.
August and Everything After
I’ll say up front that I’m sick of my desk and computer. I still spend long parts of my day here, but motivation to string my thoughts together in a coherent way have been sparse.
Fencing and Wine, 1982
Ever wondered who has the “fencing.com” URL? Yup, it’s the Silicon Valley original, The Fencing Center. Proximity and foresight; a powerful combination. The past two weeks of “Shelterinplace Con – 2020” have been all about San Jose’s The Fencing Center.
Peter Burchard on Ion Drimba
We spoke with Peter Burchard, president of the USFCA, who spent his formative fencing years in the Bay area, taking lessons from a wide variety of coaches. One of those was Ion Drimba
Where have we been?
Where Have We Been? What a crazy bunch of weeks! It may still take a bit to get back up to speed with regular stories, but the reason will hopefully be made clear as I describe recent events. First, Nationals. That would be the US Fencing National Championships,...
San Jose State Unknown Tournament in B & W
Here below, I’ve culled the best of the black & white negatives that were shot by Charles Selberg. And, fortune of fortunes, the negative pack was taped into a scrapbook that had many of these prints mounted inside.
1983 D’Asaro Women’s Foil Final
The 1983 D’Asaro Women’s Foil was one of four national circuit events held during the season at different venues prior to the national championships in the early summer. Preliminary rounds were fought at San José State until the final 8 were decided
1980 Cabrillo Invitational
In 1980, Len Carnighan, then coach at Cabrillo Community College in Aptos, CA, hosted a tournament seeded with three of the top fencers in the area.
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