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The people who made us sweat

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The American Greco

The American Greco

It’s a common enough name.  By searching the White Pages for Greco in San Mateo, CA, it returns 388 records.  Widen it to the whole of the US and there’s over 36,000.  In the fencing world though, one family has a lock on who you think of when putting the names “Greco” and “Fencing” together.

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Another Fortuitous Occurance

Another Fortuitous Occurance

It’s impossible to know why these things happen.  They can’t be planned for or expected yet I’ve been experiencing more than my share of these types of events since starting this archive and I couldn’t be happier about it.  This is simply the latest.

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The Little Woman With The Big Briefcase

The Little Woman With The Big Briefcase

Tommy Angell was the type of person who overcame obstacles.  It doesn’t seem to matter how challenging things may have been; she simply took them on and beat them.   Not just took them on; she seems to have sought them out and demolished them.

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Mystery To Me

Mystery To Me

The mystery to me today is fencing master John Mckee from Southern California who trained hundreds and hundreds of fencers over decades.  For all the people he taught and all the times he was in the paper, it’s his nature and character that I can’t get a handle on.

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The Halberstadt Scrapbooks, Book One

The Halberstadt Scrapbooks, Book One

As many times as I’ve mentioned the Halberstadt Scrapbooks on this website over the years, I was shocked to realize that I have not, until now, written a defining story about what they are and (to me, at least) their significance.

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Daniel Magay, Part 2

Daniel Magay, Part 2

As a member of the Hall of Fame committee for USA Fencing, I get a chance to participate in the annual ritual of determining, in the fairest way possible, who is to be considered for inclusion into that prestigious body.  But in the long run, just like every member of USA Fencing, I only get one vote.

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