Masters & Coaches F - J

The people who made us sweat
In Vino Spiritus

In Vino Spiritus

The Latin meaning of that, according to Google Translate, is “Wine of the Spirit”.  As a philistine in the ways of Latin, I’ll have to accept it.  No clue.  Truly. 

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A Trio of Deliveries

A Trio of Deliveries

Some interesting pieces of memorabilia got floated in front of me and I had to scramble to collect all the loose change under the floor mats in my car and count out pennies from the change jar, but I couldn’t resist making a deal for them.

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Herbert Rhodes: Fencer/Politician

Herbert Rhodes: Fencer/Politician

Serendipitous.  Is that a word?  Spellcheck isn’t trying to correct it, so I guess I’m on firm ground.  Serendipitosity happens a lot around here.  I find one piece of information, an image, a packet of photos.  Time passes.  I find another piece that fits into that puzzle.  Then, quite unexpectedly, something comes across my desk…

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Voices From The Past

Voices From The Past

A number of people over the years have done impersonations of the inimitable Hans Halberstadt and they range wide in both style and substance.  Charlie Selberg knew Hans well and would often quote him during fencing lectures or footwork drills. 

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August and Everything After

August and Everything After

I’ll say up front that I’m sick of my desk and computer.  I still spend long parts of my day here, but motivation to string my thoughts together in a coherent way have been sparse.

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Grammaw’s Got A Sword!

Grammaw’s Got A Sword!

I’ve been spending a fair bit of time lately perusing the scrapbook of Erich Funke d’Egnuff that was donated to the Archive by Marc LeRoux some time back.  It’s mostly comprised of news clippings dating from about 1937 to 1947.

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