Mystery To Me

Mystery To Me

No, not the classic Bob Welch era Fleetwood Mac album, although that does contain one of my favorite songs of all time, “Hypnotized”.  The mystery to me today is fencing master John McKee from Southern California who trained hundreds and hundreds of fencers over...
Historical Documents in the Digital Age

Historical Documents in the Digital Age

Fear. That’s the thing.  It’s a motivator for me.  Not the average, everyday kind of fear, nor an amorphous fear of zombies or clowns.  Rather, the fear of loss.  A very specific kind of loss. The loss of fencing history. I don’t know why it gets to me so much, but it...
American Fencing Magazine, Issue No. 1

American Fencing Magazine, Issue No. 1

After a week’s hiatus, I return to the WCFA with another new story about old stuff!  (And between us, the combination of the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival matched with moving house is not a recommendation I can endorse for others who wish to keep both their...
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