More Time with Jerry Biagini!

More Time with Jerry Biagini!

There is nothing in the world quite like Jerry Biagini’s greeting to me when I visited him about two weeks ago.  Me: “Mr. Biagini, how are you?”  Jerry: “I’m 90 years old and cranky!”  As it turned out, he wasn’t so cranky as...
A Newfound Respect

A Newfound Respect

It’s so much fun to have your expectations and assumptions blown to bits.  That happened to me this week when I had the great fortune to meet the daughter of long-time Letterman fencer Colonel Laurance Brownlee.  Colonel Brownlee was a fixture of West Coast...
The Salle in the Woods

The Salle in the Woods

In the woods of Southern Oregon off a dirt road and across a valley from the winding I-5 was a fencing salle d’armes built by Charlie Selberg in an old barn.  It was stuffed to the rafters with fencing memorabilia dating back decades.  I fenced there a couple of...
LA’s Greatest Hits, 1936

LA’s Greatest Hits, 1936

When I have the opportunity to visit someone who has fencing memorabilia that I can scan for my collection, I often don’t get a chance to thoroughly take in the significance of everything I’m working with.  I work fast, replacing one item from the flatbed...
The Halberstadt Scrapbooks, Book One

The Halberstadt Scrapbooks, Book One

As many times as I’ve mentioned the Halberstadt Scrapbooks on this website over the years, I was shocked to realize that I have not, until now, written a defining story about what they are and (to me, at least) their significance. Today you can stop in at just about...
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