I had two rolls of 35mm film, 36 exposures each, and was using a borrowed camera. Never having shot a fencing tournament before, I didn’t have much clue as to what was best to capture. I knew I couldn’t use a flash, so I’d have to be steady. Also had to expect the pictures would come out a bit grainy, and they did. What I find interesting is that I can still look at these and identify almost everyone. Here are the best of the photos I got that day.
George Nonumura looks serious.
Actually, I think George is serious.
Michael Marx. Also very serious.
Bob Marx sitting with Debbie Waples.
Greg Massialas.
John Nonna.
Michael D’Asaro, Sr. relaxing with a cup of coffee.
L-R: unknown, Michael D’Asaro, Dr. William O’Brien, George Nonomura, Bruce Jugan
Bob Marx vs George Nonomura. George slips Bob’s point past his arm and scores off target to the bib.
Bob Marx vs George Nonomura. George on the attack.
Bob and Michael Marx confer.
Ed Ballinger attacking from the left. Ed Wright attempts a parry.
Greg Massialas vs Ed Donofrio as Michael Marx looks on.
I’m pretty sure that’s Endy Turney sitting at the bout committee table behind Bob and Debbie. You need to get more of her into these archives.