Ferenc Zold
Dr. Ferenc Zold was a Hungarian fencer and was the team captain for the Hungarian fencing team at the 1948 Olympics. Zold’s parents, a WW1 General and a Catholic school teacher, were both half-Jewish. During WW2, Zold used his position at a publishing house to quietly assist Jews in Budapest who were avoiding capture by Nazis.
Zold held two PhD’s from two Budapest Universities and worked as an attorney for the publishing house, maintaining his role through the transition to Communist rule. He left Hungary during the 1956 revolution and settled in Claremont, CA, teaching fencing at the Pomona College campus there. Over time, he branched out, working at several Southern California colleges, including USC.
READ MORE...A prolific writer, his articles continued to be published in Hungary after his defection, although his name would not be mentioned as the writer. For the US, he coached on several Junior World teams in the 1970s, using the international experiences to catch up with old friends, especially among the Hungarian cadres.
College Annuals vs Space
At some point I will outgrown my available storage. It’s not in any way imminent, but down the road it will be something to deal with. Storage space wasn’t a consideration when I began to purchase relatively low cost university annuals on Ebay.
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Doug is working feverishly to tell all the stories of West Coast Fencing. But there are a lot of stories and he is only one man. But your continued patience will certainly be rewarded.
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